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梅应兵[1]  聂卫群[2]  卢祖礼[3]      指导:王小琴[1]        邵朝弟[1]

[1]湖北省中医院(湖北中医学院附属医院)430061 联系电话:02762713071 88929217 [2]安徽中医学院附属医院[3]湖北中医学院2002级研究生


目的:本试验主要观察肾病Ⅰ号膏穴位贴敷治疗慢性肾炎阳虚证的临床疗效及其对慢性肾炎阳虚证患者免疫功能、血脂、纤维蛋白原水平的影响,探讨肾病Ⅰ号膏治疗慢性肾炎的可能机制。方法:1.将门诊和住院的60例慢性肾炎阳虚证患者按就诊的先后顺序随机分为三组:西医常规治疗组(C组)、穴位贴敷组(A组)、肾区局部贴敷组(B组)。检测治疗前后ScrBUN24hupq3小时尿红细胞记数、免疫球蛋白、补体C3CD4+CD8+及血脂、纤维蛋白原水平,并计算CcrCD4+/CD8+比值,观察肾病Ⅰ号膏对慢性肾炎患者血尿、蛋白尿、肾功能、免疫功能及血脂水平的影响。结果: A组患者症状、体征有明显改善,中医症候积分显著降低(P<0.05)。总有效率方面显著优于B组和C组(P<0.05)。A组治疗后24hupq3小时尿红细胞记数、ScrBUNTchTGFibCD4+/CD8+比值、淋巴细胞(%)显著降低,CcrIgGIgA、、嗜中性粒细胞(%)显著提高(P<0.05P<0.01) A组在降低Scr,提高Ccr 上较B组更加显著(p<0.05);与C组比较,A组在降低ScrTch,提高CcrIgG、嗜中性粒细胞(%)上更加显著(P<0.05P<0.01)结论:在西医常规治疗的基础上配合肾病Ⅰ号膏穴位贴敷可有效减少慢性肾炎阳虚证患者的血尿、蛋白尿,降低血脂,调节患者的免疫功能,改善患者肾功能,阻止肾功能进一步恶化。

主题词:穴位贴敷法  中医时间医学 肾阳虚 肾小球肾炎,慢性 @肾病Ⅰ号膏


Objective: To investigate the clinical effect of ShenbingⅠplaster on the treatment of chronic glomerulonephritis of Yang-deficiency, and try to find out the mechanism of ShenbingⅠplaster through clinical experiment.Methods: 60 patients came from out-patient clinic (OPD) and hospitalization with CGN of Yang-deficiency were selected and randomly divided into three groups: a acupoint  sticking therapeutic/treatment group(treated with ShenbingⅠplaster), a local sticking treatment group and a control group (only treated with western medicine such as nifedipine 10mg/per day ). 20 patients for each group .All the patients in each group were not significantly different on sex , age, course and the grade level of renal function. we observed on the/their symptoms and signs pre-treatment and post-treatment . Blood-routine, urine-routine, stool-routine, hepatic function and renal function were determined to evaluate the reliability before and after the treatment. Creatinine clearance(Ccr), 3h erythrocyte counts, Immunoglobulin(Ig), Complement(C), Tch, TG, Fibrinogen(Fib) were also measured to evaluate the effect of  ShenbingⅠplaster. Results: After the treatment, Group A decreased significantly in 24 h urine protein quantity, urea , Scr,BUN, total cholesterol, triglyceride, fibrinogen and CD4+/CD8+ , and increased in IgG, IgA and Ccr,Scr, total cholesterol IgG in group A treated with Shenbing Ⅰplaster decreased significantly, and Ccr, CD4+/CD8+ increased obviously in group A compared with other two groups.Conclusion: The symptoms and signs of the patients in group A and B were better after the treatment. There was no significant difference in statistics, but from the data we can see that the total effective rate of group A  were better than group B and C. ShenbingⅠplaster has significant clinical effect in the treatment on CGN of YANG-deficiency. It could effectively alleviate the symptoms and signs without obvious toxicity and ill-effect. ShenbingⅠplaster could decrease hematuria, proteinuria and blood-lipid, regulate immunological function of the patients with chronic glomerulonephritis, improve their renal function and prevent their renal function to get worse further.

subject wordsAcupoint sticking therapy Tempo-medicine of TCM  Kidney-Yang deficiency           Nephritis,chronic  @shenbingⅠplaster

慢性肾炎是临床上的一种常见的难治性疾病,以青中年为高发人群,其特点为起病隐匿、以水肿、高血压、蛋白尿、血尿及肾功能损害为基本表现,病变大多呈不可逆进展,最终导致尿毒症。慢性肾炎占泌尿系疾患的21.63%[1],是导致终末期肾衰的首位病因,约占64.1%[2],对我国国民健康及经济发展有着重要影响。到目前为止西医尚无很好的治疗方法, 中医中药作为祖国传统医学的瑰宝,在慢性肾炎治疗中的作用已得到广泛的认同。穴位贴敷疗法作为祖国传统医学的一部分,是在祖国医学经络学说的指导下,在辨证论治的基础上,将药物贴敷在体表的特定部位,以治疗疾病的一种方法,它属于中医外治法的范畴[3]。穴位贴敷疗法由于其简、便、验、廉、安全适应性广等优点日益受到广大患者的青睐,在肾病治疗中也得到一定程度的发展,但相对口服及注射药物而言,仍处于相对滞后的地位[4]。因此结合现代医学的药物吸收理论对肾病穴位贴敷疗法进行深入的研究,对于继承和发掘祖国传统医学的瑰宝,提高肾病的临床治疗效果,开拓肾病治疗的新途径有着十分重要的意义。在此基础上,我科经多年临床探索,将中医经络理论、中医时间医学理论有机结合起来,提出了肾病冬治穴位贴敷疗法这一全新的概念。本课题即在收集临床病例的基础上观察肾病Ⅰ号膏对患者免疫功能的影响及其临床疗效并探讨其治疗慢性肾炎的可能机制,为临床治疗慢性肾炎提供新的治疗途径和可靠依据。


1.1一般资料  本研究共观察了60例慢性肾炎阳虚证患者,所有病例均为200212月至20042月份湖北省中医院肾内科门诊部及住院部患者,其中门诊患者21例,占35%;住院患者39例,占65%。三组患者治疗前各临床参数具体见表格1,经统计学处理,无显著性差异(P>0.05),表明其具有可比性。


           平 均 年 龄   平 均 病 程 

(例)   (男/女)   (岁)        (年) 



穴位贴敷组    20      6/14    34.8±11.9     2.75±2.14     10     7     3